CAROLS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS 657 Beautiful Savior Ps. 45: 2 5. 5. 7. 5. 5. 8. Schönster Herr Jesu Author unknown, 1677 Tr., Joseph A. Seiss, 1873 Schönster Herr Jesu “Schlesische Volkslieder” Leipzig, 1842 tions, the light, lands, tion, Son Bright Robed Son na moon wood a the the of the in of ful the the ful ti is are ti mead Cre Sav sun Sav Fair 2 Fair 1 Beau 3 4 Beau Lord Fair Fair King of is are of ior, shine, ows, ior, Praise, Je Je Tru sus sus ad ly er, er, Thee, or, o shines is I’d God flow’rs spar God Son stars bloom Son Man! high; spring; Man! of on ing of and kling of and ly ry sus sus hon bright fair love and shines is I’d Je Tru Je Glo of makes all and Now ev an my our the for soul, sor serve pur pur ra Thee, er; er, tion, Light He Than men. A more in my r’wing gels er Joy, spir Crown. sing. sky. Thine! my it the be